Where we are

To Bolsena along the S.S. Cassia to Km. 114,200, 800 meters from the town center and 20 meters from the shore of the lake. In confortable position, on the stupendous scenery of the lake of Bolsena,we can offer an ample parking lot, a beautiful beach and an exellent restaurant.

By car

You can reach Bolsena by car, by taking the Orvieto exit of the Autostrada del Sole (A1) and then following the Umbro-Casentinese Road.
The S.S. Cassia Road, passing through the centre of Bolsena, leads directly to Rome southwards (113 kms) and to Siena northwards (112 kms). The nearest railway stations to Bolsena are to be found in Orvieto and Viterbo, both towns are connected to Bolsena by a public bus service.

By train

To the station of Orvieto and by bus to Bolsena.
For those ones who are in Rome: take the ROMA-NORD train to Viterbo and the bus to Bolsena.

By bus

From Rome to Bolsena by COTRAL buses. From Siena to Acquapendente – Bolsena – Viterbo by SIRA buses.



Hotel Eden di Dottarelli Luigi & C. sas - P.IVA 01200860565
Via Cassia KM. 114,200, 46 - 01023 Bolsena (VT) - GPS 42.64792,11.97308
Tel. 0761 799015 - Fax 0761 796343

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